Food I Eat

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Touch on a Little Bit of EVERYTHING

What I Want From My Blog:
The first post to my new blog, kinda scary. I have such a long list that I want this blog to cover. I want you to be able to get as much out of it as I have put into it. I want it to cover my detailed weight loss, including how I got to where I'm at now and of course how I'm going to keep losing weight. I want it to act as a personal food diary, sharing photos and recipes (if you want them). I also want it to cover bits of information that I run across and find useful or interesting. While my expectations are high I also want you to ask me questions. I pretty much want this blog to act as a open book for anything that relates to my weight loss. I want it to be a inspiration for you, the reader.

My View on Losing Weight:
 Losing weight is really REALLY hard. But the good thing is, once you get started and have seen some results it gets really easy. I know, it sounds crazy for me to say it gets really easy, but for me it did. I think it's because of two principles: motivation and determination. For me motivations is the most important though, if you don't have it you have nothing, literally. If you don't have the motivation to start then you're not going to get anywhere. You have to have a reason you want to change your body and life. Once you have that fire you most likely will be determined to reach your goal. I have known many people who say they need to lose weight but never do because they don't have the motivation to WANT to. Something else I have learned through my journey that it is also crucial to lose weight for YOURSELF no one else, do it for you. Do it because you want to look good. Do it because you want to be healthy. Do it because its all about you in weight loss, it's personal and you're the most important person. You're the one that's going to get up in the morning to run and workout. You're the one that's going to count the calories, skip the fatty foods and enjoy the veggies. No one else is going to do it for you, its all about you and how YOU do it. While losing weight IS all about you it's also extremely important to have a support system. There is no way I would be where I am right now if I didn't have my family and friends cheering me on. When it got hard and I wanted to give up their words of support are what showed me I can really do it. Not only did their words help motivate me but it showed me I didn't want to let them down. I wanted to show them that they weren't wasting their time supporting me. Find a few close friends and family and tell them about your goals and share your successes with them. You need people you can go to when you need a boost to keep going.

So what's crucial to losing weight?
  • motivation
  • determination
  • losing weight for YOURSELF
  • and a support system
Ask yourself: WHY do I want to lose weight? HOW am I going to lose weight? WHO am I losing weight for? and who am I going to SHARE my weight loss journey with so I can have support?

My BEFORE and CURRENT photos:
So you're probably thinking wow, she really has a point of view on weight loss. I wanna see if its really worked for her. Well here's one of your first chances. But first a little background knowledge. I started losing weight in August of 2011, my starting weight was 280 pounds. Currently I have lost 83 pounds and weight 197 pounds.

The photo on the left is taken in Sept of 2010 I consistently stayed at 280 lbs until August of 2011 and the photo on the right was taken after I completed my first 5K in May of 2012.

My Goals:
I have recently started setting short-term goals. I have always had a long term goal but never determined when I wanted to reach that goal, but now I have! Yay!
Currently my short-term goal is to reach 190 lbs by August 25th.
My long term goal is to reach 160 lbs by Jan 15th 2013.
I will keep you updated on my success to reaching these goals as I post regularly.

This is an idea of what is to come for A Thinner Me. If you have any questions go ahead and ask! :)

Till my next post... Adios.

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